Dear Exotic Hell Competitors,

We hope this message finds you all in good health and diligently training for the upcoming edition of Exotic Hell. With great excitement, we approach the pinnacle of the event and eagerly anticipate welcoming you all to the track.

However, we would like to remind you of the importance of paying the entry fee by the specified deadline. As per the official Exotic Hell regulations, the entry fee is a fundamental requirement to participate in the competition.

We kindly ask you to ensure that the entry fee payment is made by the deadline indicated in the previous communications. Please note that failure to pay the entry fee will result in a penalty in accordance with the event's regulations.

As specified in the official provisions, in the event of non-payment of the entry fee, a penalty of 5 points will be applied to each participant.

We therefore urge you not to overlook this aspect and to fulfill your entry obligations promptly.

For any questions or clarification regarding the payment of the entry fee, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to assist you and ensure that Exotic Hell is a memorable experience for all of you.

Thank you for your cooperation and ongoing commitment to sporting excellence.

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